
Malwarebytes Anti-Malware is available for users of any modern Windows client to download and install at no cost to them. They can also purchase an annual subscription, which entitles them to take advantage of real-time protection, scan/update scheduling, access policies, and the ability to utilize all of these features on up to three computers under the same license.

If no license has been installed into the product, the black Menu Bar at the top of the screen will show an Activate link and an Upgrade Now button. When clicked, Upgrade Now takes the user to a screen which shows the advantages of purchasing a license, and provides the option of launching a browser window which will take them to the Malwarebytes web site to purchase a license.

Your license information will either be in the form of a sticker which was enclosed with your Malwarebytes CD, or in an email sent to you by Malwarebytes at the time of purchase. Locate your license information and click the Activate button. You will then see the following screen.

Please note the blue text ("I also have an ID�") directly under the box in which you would enter your Key. We have moved to a new licensing system which uses a new license scheme. The new scheme uses only a Key. If you are still using the older style license, you will have both an ID and a Key. If that is the case, click the blue text, and you will see the following screen.

Important: Please note that you must be online with an active Internet connection in order to successfully activate your Premium license.

The construction of the Key is different, so make sure that you choose the right screen for entering your license information based on whether you have an ID and Key, or just a Key. After entering in your license information, click the Activate button. Your Malwarebytes screen will refresh, as shown below.

Please note that the two license-related links in the Menu Bar have been replaced by a link called My Account. Also note that the License has changed from Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Premium Trial to Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Premium.