History Settings

This screen controls logging options for Malwarebytes Anti-Malware. A screenshot of this module is shown below, with recommended (default) settings displayed.

Statistical Data

If you check this box, you will be sending us information that helps us do our jobs. Our Marketing organization likes to know what countries Malwarebytes Anti-Malware is being used in, and the breakdown of subscriptions, trials, and free versions. Our Research organization likes to keep track of what malware we are detecting and how often. We can learn that from what you send us, and that allows us to serve you more effectively. That's all the information we collect, and that's fine with us. We hope that's fine with you as well.

Scan Log Options

You can choose to Export log information to disk. This option and the Don't export log information option work together. If one radio button is selected, the other is deselected. If you choose to export log information to disk, it is stored in Extensible Markup Language (XML) format. When exporting logs, you may accept the default path as shown, or specify a new path. Scan logs are stored in:

When specifying a new path, clicking the button to the right of the default path brings up a window similar to that used in Windows Explorer. There, you may specify the new path. We will now look at Access Policies.